6 Keyword Researching Tools for SEO

Updated October 6, 2023

Sometimes when writing an SEO article, especially on a topic you’re not very knowledgeable in, it can be a challenge to come up with the appropriate keywords to include in your article. Luckily there are tools available that can offer suggestions as to which keywords are best suited for your article. Below we’ll look at 5 of the best keyword researching tools for SEO articles by Vancouver SEM marketers.

Keyword Research Tools

Keyword Tool is a free program. It processes over 750 suggestions for every keyword. It’s a straight-forward program to use. You simply visit their website, type in your keyword of choice, and Keyword Tool uses Google Autocomplete to process any relevant long-tail keywords. Essentially, the program takes Google’s suggestions and displays them to you in an easy to read format.

Wordstream’s Keyword Tool (not to be confused with the program above) is another useful piece of software. The Wordstream tool is useful for targeting niche websites and then providing additional suggestions. The Wordstream Keyword tool is free for the first 30 searches, and after that the user must sign up for the Wordstream Advisor for further usage.

FreshKey is a popular keyword search tool for many people specializing in SEO. The program costs $20 to purchase. The software is unique in that it allows users to see past the standard Google Instant Suggestions and predictions that show up when a keyword is typed in on Google. It sorts out keywords in order of popularity and offers new ideas.

Soovle is a practical, free piece of software for those doing keyword search on multiple channels. It’s great for searching popular keywords on Google, Youtube, Wikipedia, Amazon, and eBay.

Ubersuggest is free, and is great for giving thousands upon thousands of variations for the keyword you supply it with.

Although these are some of the more reputable keyword tools, there are many different programs and tools SEO researchers can use beyond these. It’ll be up to the researcher to do their homework before deciding which program is best for them based on their own individual goals and needs.

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