The Role of Intranet in Promoting Digital Well-Being for Remote Employees

Updated November 21, 2023

If you think about the leaps and bounds of the workplace in the last few years, you can identify how technology has turned every industry into a virtual workplace. It has facilitated a new work setup where people work remotely from anywhere. Even though this new setup has been a blessing for everyone, it has certain unavoidable challenges. To overcome the same, organisations must take robust measures such as a strong intranet network. 

The intranet has emerged as a vital tool to promote the digital well-being of remote employees. But, just because the intranet is an excellent tool for working online, it doesn’t mean every intranet connection will be well-performing and suitable for you. You must try some of them and then commit to one. For example, you can opt for a Claromentis intranet free trial for remote teams to learn about its features and how it will benefit your employees. 

Role of The Intranet in Promoting Digital Well-Being:

Promoting Digital Well-Being for Remote Employees

Technology has improved workplace health and safety. If your organisation is not leveraging the technological advancements of an intranet, it may lag in many areas. 

Let us look at how the intranet promotes digital well-being. 

An intranet connection promotes effective collaboration:

Companies are changing their working model post-pandemic and moving towards a remote work setup. One of the significant criticisms of remote working is that the teams are quite atomic, and there is a lack of effective collaboration and communication among them. The intranet comes as a solution for these criticisms and fosters effective communication. It makes the team cohesive and enables accessible cross-department communication. With the help of the intranet, you can also include fun communication channels and general chit-chat so that employees don’t miss the coffee machine conversation while working at home. 

Intranet connection helps you find everything in one place:

Intranet helps organisations, particularly big organisations, find everything and everyone in one place. You will find employee information, email IDs and contact numbers in one place. Moreover, a cloud-based intranet network stores necessary data, documents, files and folders in one platform, making remote access easy.

Intranet connection provides data security

Hard copies of important documents can easily get displaced, destroyed or lost. Moreover, keeping paper copies of documents while working remotely is impossible because it is hard to manage and share. 

With an intranet network, these documents can be stored in one place. You can upload the documents on the intranet portal and share them with your colleagues. Moreover, the interfaces of an intranet network safeguard your data from getting breached. The security feature protects your necessary documents and data from hackers, malware and viruses. So you don’t have to worry about the safety of your documents. 

Intranet enables mobile access to documents

The intranet enables mobile access to documents and other folders and keeps remote employees connected at all times. Intranet networks have mobile apps that help in employee engagements and allow them to access documents and data no matter where they are. 

These apps help employees keep a tab of the project details and can reply to messages from other employees quickly and easily. Mobile apps can also help managers keep track of their remote employees and the front-end team to provide excellent customer service. 

The Intranet Saves a Lot of Time for Remote Employees

Another benefit of using the intranet is its ability to save time by easily integrating tools such as Google Workspace or Microsoft 365. This makes managing a project more accessible, saving a lot of time for employees. 

Organisations can also integrate time management software into the intranet network to determine which employee is working on which project and for how much time. This helps save time and promotes a healthy work-life balance. 


The digital well-being of remote employees is crucial to increase their productivity and promote healthy relationships with colleagues. Organisations can utilise technological advancements and avail themselves of the benefits of an intranet connection to make working remotely a breeze.

However, one must be extremely careful while choosing a connection because not all intranet networks have the essential features you need for your organisation to run optimally. So, give due attention to the features that a network provides and watch the productivity of your employees soar to another level.

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