Benefits Of An Outsourced Network Operations Centre (NOC)

Updated October 6, 2023

One of the key factors that determine a business’s success is the functionality of the IT system and network. Any modern business relies heavily on IT infrastructure and digital tools. Hence, this puts quite a pressure on the in-house IT teams to have a setup that is always in a working mode with minimal downtime.

For the business’s success, the IT department has to ensure that all the Internet connections, routers and switches, the cloud system, and other related tools are functioning without any issues all the time. In case of any server downtime, malfunctioning of tools and disturbances, they need to be dealt with immediately. A good IT support team can mitigate the loss of revenue and security threats.

For an in-house IT department, it can be pretty challenging to take on all these responsibilities while concentrating on other aspects of running a successful business. As a result, many companies are now coming to realize a great solution to this problem: an outsourced network operation center (NOC). If you are unsure whether to opt for NOC for your business, maybe the following benefits that we discuss might help you make an informed decision.

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What Is NOC Service?

Before we discuss the benefits of NOC services, here is a quick overview of the service’s objective.

The purpose of NOC services is to be a centralized system that mitigates all failures and disruptions related to our business’s IT sector. From the centralized location, a team of specialists conducts regular checkups on the IT network and its health to avert any potential security breaches and downtime. NOC services also ensure that your business gets round-the-clock IT support.

So if you want your business to run successfully, implementing NOC is a must. However, having an in-house NOC can turn out to be quite a headache for your business.

We hence advise you to outsource NOC services. If you want to know more about why you should outsource it read the next section.

Benefits Of Outsourced NOC

If you are outsourcing your NOC, you can determine how much support you seek from the vendor. With an experienced NOC team at your side, you would be in a better position to achieve your business goals. So how can you achieve your business goals? The simple answer is to reap the benefits of outsourcing your NOC.

1. There For You 24/7

When you have an in-house NOC, one of the most common problems and an avoidable one is to rectify an issue outside the regular office hours. With an outsourced NOC, there is a dedicated team for your company who will take care of any network and IT-related issues irrespective of the time of the day.

You can easily build your company and uplift its reputation by maintaining round-the-clock uptime when you outsource the NOC. In addition, an outsource NOC aims to provide service where the customer doesn’t realize that there have been any IT-related issues.

2. Experts At Your Disposal

If you want to have a successful NOC that is in-house while hiring skilled IT professionals who align with your business knowledge, you also have to employ experienced NOC engineers. In reality, finding skilled NOC engineers can be quite complex. Hence when you outsource the NOC of your business to a reputed company, you can be assured to have an expert for the field taking care of your IT infrastructure day in and day out—also maintaining its health and thwarting any potential risks that can occur. Moreover, this gives you less headache finding and retaining an in-house NOC expert.

3. Facilitates In Maintaining Your Focus

A NOC company will always keep your business IT infrastructure their top priority. Since your IT department already has quite a few things to worry about, infrastructure monitoring often takes less precedence unless there is an issue. But not monitoring the condition of the service delivery of the IT infrastructure and maintaining its health has a potential for disaster.

In such a case, you can free up your internal IT department to focus on your business matters, while your NOC partners can warrant a dedicated focus on the reliability of your IT system and quality of service. In the process as a business or not, you too can concentrate on scaling your business better.

4. Scaling It Better

Every business has the intention to grow antacid results; your infrastructure should also be able to evolve. However, when you have an in-house NOC, the rapid growth for business can be quite challenging. This issue can be resolved with an outsource NOC.

The focus on the technology and experts who are part of the outsourced NOC team can offer much more dynamic support in scaling the business and evolving the technology with it. They are also trained in providing the latest services and tools that are beneficial to customers for a better service. As a result, they can easily cut down on time to market for your services.

5. Fine-Tuning Alerts

Once again, it comes down to having a NOC expert. Unfortunately, in most cases, when organizations use network monitoring solutions, even a knowledgeable IT engineer can lose their way among all the alert data generated within the system.

As a result, the concerning alerts can often get ignored and outages missed, which can cause immense harm to the business. Finding the right alert can sometimes be like finding a needle in a haystack. A NOC partner can configure the system and fine-tune it for alerts that are vital for the organization. This will allow The IT staff of your company to get notified of the concerning issues that need to be addressed instead of getting lost in unnecessary alerts.

6. Be In Charge Of The Cost

Outsourcing NOC allows you to prioritize the IT issues that need to be addressed. Since most NOC partners offer the flexibility of scaling the workup or down, you do not have to adhere to a fixed overhead cost irrespective of how your business is going. By identifying the gaps that need to be filled, you can selectively outsource the NOC to meet your business objectives. Furthermore, with outsourced NOC, you have the opportunity to have experts for your IT infrastructure. You do not have to spend money on training them.

Want To Know More?

If the six benefits mentioned above are convincing enough for you to consider outsourcing your NOC and want to know more about how it works, read more about outsourced NOC services. Also, if you are looking to find an efficient and experienced NOC partner, contact us.

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