Business and Leisure time: How you find the right Balance

Updated October 6, 2023

Do you have your own business and the impression that your work fills (nearly) your whole life? Yes, it makes sense to invest a lot of time and strength in your start-up, but don’t overdo it! Perhaps you already feel exhausted and this feeling will get stronger and stronger the longer you do not change your daily life. Before it comes to burnout, you should take the following tips to heart. They will help you to find the right balance between your beloved business and your leisure time.

Business and Leisure time

Image Source – Pixabay

Change your view!

The first thing you have to change is your view. It is absolutely important to put your health at the top of your priority list, because of one reason: Without your health, it won’t be possible anymore to run your business. So, you will lose your strength and perhaps your company at the same time. Try to implement some of the following measures in your life to get a much better balance.

Plan your free-time consciously

Most business people first put their appointments and all the other important dates in their calendar. Afterwards, they check if there is some free time left for a walk or some sport. Do it the other way around, at least on one or two days a week! Use your calendar to enter your recreation times and, yes, also your holidays just as a regularly employed person. Tell everyone that you will be on vacation from day X to day Y. And don’t forget to be as consistent with your free time as your business meetings.

Switch off from time to time

Don’t work from morning till night, but allow yourself coffee breaks. Turn off your work screen, look out the window for a while and let your mind wander. Or have fun in one of the many mobile casinos that you can access anywhere in the world. Visit the comparison platforms such as for example which specializes in helping players in South Africa to find the best the right provider to play at. Here, experts have gone through a lot of trouble to pick out the best casinos and list them together with their most important features. Click on the casino you like best and dive in for a while.

Determine your own working hours

As a self-employed person, you don’t have to work without end. On the contrary, you are in the fortunate position of being able to determine your own working hours. No employee has this luck! Set a fixed hour to reserve you a normal evening off, so you have your time to relax just as most other working people. Only in exceptional cases, when there is no other way, you go longer.

Find an interesting new hobby

If there is nothing besides your work that interests you right now, look around for a new hobby. While doing so, ask yourself: What helps me most with stress? Is it physical activity or music or maybe meditation? Attend an appropriate course, find like-minded people and really settle into your new leisure activity. This way you can balance your stressful work and maybe even make new friends. New friends always mean new inspirations that you can possibly use in business. Open your mind and heart, don’t close yourself off to the world outside, but stay in contact and let leisure and business flow into each other mentally.

Find an interesting new hobby

Photo by Pexels (Author), Pixabay Licence (Licence)

Delegate tasks, not only in your business

You don’t have time for a new hobby and making friends? Then think about which tasks you can delegate to others in your job and free time. Maybe you hire a part-time jobber or let someone else do the shopping for you. It might also be worth hiring a cleaner for your home or the company premises. See what you can afford to get rid of redundant work. Then your life will be much freer and tidier.

And: Don’t lose sight of why you started your business. Was it to earn money or to have a better life? What good is a lot of money if it only makes life greyer and not more colourful? Make each day as colourful and beautiful as possible so that you can enjoy your time. You don’t have to forget your business at all, quite the opposite: see it as a means to reach a better life, not as the purpose of life itself. Then your priorities will be in order again.

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