5 Tips for Promoting Yourself As a Musician on Facebook

Updated October 6, 2023

You’re an artist who has worked seemingly endless hours in the studio, at the computer, or at your instrument to make the most out of what you love and what you want to do. Having a finished and tangible product of work is a gratifying experience – one that you would never want to see go to waste.

It is no secret today that social media is the way to go to get yourself promoted, since your name is freshly promulgated to all of your friends and fans with every update that you create. As easy as it may seem to simply push your work as a musician, there are many means in which you should make sure to do, and also be careful not to do.

facebook tips

1. Quality, Not Quantity

The amount of artists out there today seem to be overwhelming to the general public. Everyday, it seems that you will inevitably hear about a new project being done. It is because of this that it can be difficult to stick out in the plethora of artists. Make sure that what you are posting on your fan page is the best quality that you can provide. For musicians, letting everyone hear a recording that was done in your basement on a less-than-stellar recording device will not be the way to go. Throw down some bills for three or four songs in a quality studio done by a professional engineer. If you want your audience to take you seriously, show them that you take yourself seriously.

2. Ease Off the “Like” Invites

Face it, you probably find yourself pretty annoyed when fellow artists invite you to “like” their fan page on Facebook. Even more so, this annoyance becomes augmented when your news feed is covered with “Make Sure You Like My Band” or anything similar. You need to give people a reason to like you in the first place, which then goes back to my first point of providing your best material. I personally find it very unsettling when I get insisted to like someone on Facebook that I barely know; who hasn’t provided any links for me to listen to their material. Give me a reason to click on your page in the first place.

3. Keep It Updated

Even if your work is top-notch, an empty looking fanpage leads me to assess that you’ve given up on your time as an artist who cares about promoting, or has given up overall. Make sure that you are consistently updating your page with dates and locations for gigs, a news blurb about what you or your band is doing or where you are. Even if it’s something simple as a photo or a YouTube link (of good quality) to post, it’ll keep your name in the minds of people. You want to keep the content as fresh and make yourself appear as active as possible.

4. Show Some Respect

Maybe it’s just my nature, but I personally take a strong liking to artists who are not strictly focused on their own work through social media. When you are not promoting yourself, give a shout out to the work of your fellow artists. This shows that you are a grateful artist who actually cares about the craft and not just your own benefit. Posting links to other artist’s pages is what I would call good “internet karma”, and the people who you mention will surely do the same for you.

5. Don’t Over-Do It

Yes, I did say keep your page updated and in the minds of Facebook users, but I didn’t say constantly bombard me with everything and anything. I am not a fan of when an artist posts a link to something of questionable relevance to their own material at a constant pace. There is nothing wrong with posting a news story that might identify your political background – that in fact could be a good way to attract some new fans. However, make sure that you are not doing this too much, and remember what your page is for in the first place. Keep it generally relevant, and keep it reasonable.

Author Bio:- Mike Lamardo is a blogger and musician who enjoys keeping track of what new artists are doing in today’s market, and how they approach it. He is also a writer and contributor in popular music  for Direct SAT TV.

1 comment

  • This article is very informative. There are a lot of great local and indie bands who don’t have social media skills and don’t promote with Facebook, etc… when you are self promoting, that is critical stuff to do.

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